Requirements for submitting articles
The materials submitted to the journal editorial board must comply with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and include all the necessary elements of a scientific article: topic’s justification of relevance, general problem formulation and its links with significant scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent studies and publications whichgiveprimary solution of the problem and are used by the author; identification of unresolved parts of the general problem being considered in the suggested article, precise wording of the purpose of the article (the problem statement); presentation of main research papers with full justification of scientific results including scientific novelty of the research; research conclusions and prospects for further study in this area.
The volume of the article should be from 7 to 15 pages (not including abstracts and keywords) in Microsoft Word format (*.doc).
The language of publication – Russian
Font –Times New Roman, 14pt; for abstracts and keywords – Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Line spacing – 1.5
First-line indent of each paragraph – 1.25
Allignment– Distributed
Character Spacing – Normal (not Expanded or Condensed)
Margins: left – 20 mm, right – 20 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm
You shouldn’t number the pages of materials submitted.
Graphics (figures, tables and illustrations) must not exceed the size of the journal, 110 mm x 170 mm maximum.
Table names areto be placedon the left-hand side over each table. Eachtable headershould be locatedafter 1.5 line spacing from the main text. Each table is located under the text, which has the first link to it, or on the next page. Each table should be performed in portrait orientationonly. If a table exceeds the page size, it is to be divided into parts, with its header being repeated in each part.
Font size of tables: 9.5 pt. The minimum font size in the table is 8 pt. Tables should not exceed 11 cm in width.
All materials should be saved as RTF or DOC files. Each file name should be given in transliteration as the author’s last name, for example: Ivanov
Title structure: On the first line in the left corner index UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) is written.
- · in the centre of the second line – first and second names of the author(s);
- · in the centre of the third line – the title of an article (without points) in bold type with single space;
- · below with single space – an abstract (300-350 characters with spaces) written in Russian;
- · below with single space – key words (5-7 words) in Russian;
- · below with single space – the main text;
- · at the end of the article: References in the centre,with single space;
- after References: with single space – an abstract (300-350 characters with spaces) and key words (5-7 words) in English.
The list of references is formed in accordance with GOST Р 7.1 – 2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic entry” or with GOST Р 7.0.5 – 2008 “Bibliographic references”. The list does not include sources that were not cited in the text. If you are citing a work written in Russian, the reference must be transliterated into the English alphabet and attached as an additional list. For this purpose you can use a program converting Russian letters into English ones on the website
Abstracts are typed in lower-case italicletters.
Key words are typed inlower-case italicletters separated by commas.
A detailed summary in English (1500-2000 characters with spaces)must be attached to the article:font–Times New Roman, 14 pt; line spacing – 1.5; indent – 1.25.
The last page must contain the author’s personal information about: first name, middle initial, last name, position, academic degree, academic title, the department name and institution name, home address, phone number and e-mailaddress.
For postgraduate and external PhD students, as well as for the authors with no academicdegree, an externalsupporting academic referee report from a MS/PhD with the institution’s seal or signature guarantee stamp is required.
The editors reserve the right to reject the materials in case of any violation of present “Requirements for submitting articles” (especially violation of GOST).