O. Gabrielian , K. Ignatov
Cultural phenomenology (theoretical drafts to the publishing project “Phenomenal Ukraine»)
O. Mikitinets
Disciplinary status of applied culturology
O. Griva , S. Makienko
Intercultural communications in the process of formation and cultural identity saving
I. Andriuschenko
Cultural regionalistics: subject area and particularity
G. Konopl’ova
Analysis of the process of globalization in modern culturological studies.
E. Donskaya
The creative process of generating an image of designatum
O. Elkan
Symbolic fields of semiosphere of expressionism
A. Mikitinets
The role of youth in modern culture (culture and anthropology analysis)
I. Plotskiy
Modern technologies of sociocultural activities in leisure organization
A. Normanska
Sociocultural suppositions of creative industries
I. Vakhrushev
Memes in tourism
O. Kochnova
Phenomenon of mask in theatre culture
U. Fodorov
Modern theatre under phenomenon of degeneration. Problem field of drama
O. Minina
Folk dance as social communication
O. Skuridin
Burial constructions of antiquity period (VII–IV B.C.), as a symbol of supreme patriotism
O. Mikitinets
Disciplinary status of applied culturology
The article considers the disciplinary status of Applied Cultural Studies as a system of practical application of knowledge of the culture. Nowadays, a number of sciences claim to culture as their subject area, and cultural studies, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, philosophy at first. Beyond that, there are a number of directions of studying various aspects of the culture: the philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, economics and management culture, history and culture, etc. First of all such a variety of the cultural sciences is related with a change of understanding of the culture and its impact on society and individuals, expansion of its borders which contributes to the growth of scientific interest in problems of culture. In the beginning of XX century a concept of "culturology" is appearing, and by the 1980s it institutionalized as an integrative science of culture. At the same time applied cultural studies appears as a separate line, using fundamental knowledge about the culture in specific, practical applications: in particular, forecasting, planning and management of cultural processes that are relevant in today's society. However, because of the "youth" of this type of research there are an open question and the subject of the boundaries of applied cultural studies.
The purpose of this study is considering and determining the disciplinary status of the Applied Cultural Studies.
The study noted that the process of institutionalization of Applied Cultural Studies is nearing completion. For a given direction, this is the practical application of the level of knowledge of the culture, characterized by the needs of social practice, the development of models address specific cultural issues. The main task of Applied Cultural Studies is the scientific support of the processes of solving social problems. Applied Cultural Studies provides a scientific basis for practical action in the sphere of culture. Speaking about the disciplinary status of applied cultural studies, it should be noted that "the entry to practice," appeared in the cultural sciences thanks to the emergence of the level of research evidence of the completion of the formation of cultural studies as a science.
Key words: Applied Cultural Studies, culture, society, cultural practices.
O. Griva , S. Makienko
Intercultural communications in the process of formation and cultural identity saving
The article deals with the problems of cultural identity in contemporary multicultural world. In globalised society the topicality of this consideration is related to the crisis of human identity, both individual and group one. The matter of the authors’ main concern was the analysis of intercultural communication as a potential resource to improve the efficiency of the formation and maintenance of personality cultural identity in multicultural education conditioning.
The paper analyzes the role of identity in multicultural space, as one that allows a person to determine his place in the socio-cultural space and have an adequate grasp of the world around him. Everyone can get their identity only in association with others. Cultural identity means an individual’s belonging to any culture or cultural group that forms valuable attitude of a person towards himself, other people, society and the world at large.
Cultural identity is based on the concept of “own” and “alien”. It is in the cultural communications a person learns about other values, ways of thinking and behavior of “aliens“ that some way respond to his own values and structural actions. In the paradigm of tolerance in multicultural world, the image of "alien" is being tried to change to the one of “other”. Whereas “alien” means foreign, unfamiliar, inaccessible to cognition, and therefore hostile, dangerous, and maybe even harmful, the image of "other" loses a priori the dominant meaning of hostile and potentially harmful. Therefore, intercultural communication should contribute to a better understanding of the world in general, and its individual members in particular, lead to the transformation of the image of unknown, dangerous and harmful to that of familiar, which one should not be afraid of and there is no need to expect only troubles from it.
Key words: intercultural communication, cultural identity, multicultural world, multicultural education.
I. Andriuschenko
Cultural regionalistics: subject area and particularity
The paper aims to analyze the specificity of regions as object of study in Cultural Studies. Methodology of the research deals with an analysis of a specific discourse of other scientific discourses of regionalism and comparative analysis of regional studies in the various scientific disciplines.
At the present time cultural regions are in the centre of attention of scientists of different subjects such as economy, public administration, political science, sociology, philosophy, history, study of literature, art study, culturology and other. The interest to regionalistic is connected with globalization influence, and cultural differences as a factor of potential conflictogenety or territory development. We should admit that recently the case in question is exactly development.
In the interdisciplinary sphere of the regional study there is a range of criterions which determine a region as a certain unity. The criterions are determined by scientist’s subject limits. The author’s aim is to reveal the specific of culturological regionalistic by extracting culturological regional discours from the range of other scientific discourses of regionalistic.
Regional studies in economy, public administration and adjacent disciplines emphasize on the community of the national economy tasks (the type of economic activity, natural resources, and infrastructure). The politological discourse of a regionalistic is based on some notions such as administrative-territorial division, political qualities of the region, macro region, sub region.
At the heart of the most works in sociology lies the notion of “social space”. Sociological regionalistic is very heterogeneous in determination of criterions of a region and their hierarchy, and the accent of study. In the context of sociology a regionalistics develops in several directions: study of regionalization, regional movements, different aspects of regional life, comparative analysis of regional problems of different countries, applied aspects of regional research.
Culturology has already formed an appropriate conceptual apparatus, which allows studying an object without intruding upon a frame of reference of other disciplines. In the range of studies of the regional culture has recently been seen an obvious tendency to an approach with other disciplines in which region is considered as an object. In our opinion, especially obvious is an approach of so called “new cultural geography” and culturology.
Regional history has been steadily moving in the direction of sociocultural analysis approaching to cultuological study of the region. In our opinion, other point of contact of historical and culturological regionalistic is the practice of comparative study.
Culturological regionalistic is in the process of formation – its own thesaurus and methodology have been developing. But it is obvious, we can’t consider the studies of regional culture only from the position of territorial borders.
Understanding of anthropological basses of regionalism, the unity of a man as an individual and social being, who is reproduced in the space of a region as a special type of a man with a specific world view can be the starting point of culturological study of regions.
Key words: region, regional culture, criteria of the region, space, cultural regionalism.
G. Konopl’ova
Analysis of the process of globalization in modern culturological studies.
The purpose of the study is to examine the current understanding of the processes of globalization and consider the specifics of their reflection in culture.
Achieving this purpose involves the following tasks :- study the nature and causes of globalization; - with motives clarify rapidity distribution effects of globalization on culture; - review historical aspects of globalization - identify sources of ideas and the nature of the consequences of their influence in culture.
The study used traditional approaches: systemic , structural- functional, comparative approaches.
To achieve the objectives set for the study, we used methods of analysis, synthesis, phenomenological. The result of the study was to clarify that the main underlying causes of globalization , on the one hand, the human desire for unity, on the other - the desire to acquire new resources that will stimulate the development of science and technology.
Openness border capacity in the shortest time to overcome distance, accessibility and clarity of values offered by mass culture , promote the rapid spread of globalization. In addition, the smooth penetration of global traditions and values in different cultures leads to the fact that , together with the processes of integration and centralization that occurred before, is the active development of glocalization , which affects the shift of global epicenter of ideas. It fills globalization new elements greatly expands the range of its influence and thus adds more power to the current process. Understanding the cultural aspects of globalization confirms the fact that without the integration process culture developed very poorly. Scientific novelty of the study is the first attempt to implement a comprehensive analysis kulturnoy component of modern integration processes.
Key words: globalization, culture, integration, communication.
E. Donskaya
The creative process of generating an image of designatum
The features of process of creative generation of patterns open up in the article. It is specified and is broadened concepts of creative sublimation and pattern-designate created by the artist. The concept of two-level intertextuality is entered, based on mutual mapping of virtual pattern space and material carrier of the intertext. A chart over, explaining «co-operation» of the pattern space and art creation, is presented. Creating works of art, it is possible to sublimate not only and not so much own diseases and physiological instincts, but as well the pain, gladness, sufferings, admiration by beauty, spiritual experiencing and hopes on the best aspirations of humanity. Than the source of «feed» of sublimation is «thinner and higher», the images more wonderful and more considerable generated on its basis. Except for the material medium of intertext we examine other important and elevated concept: aggregate of images and relations between them, constituent virtual pattern space. Intertext cultures, in our understanding, are «double-layer». Lower layer – material carrier of texts – is reflected in virtual pattern space. Thus this reflection is not synonymous. Essence of creative process and cumulative ascent of culture consists of permanent perception of appearances, sublimation, imagination, «casual» wander and creation of new appearances and relations, between them. All these processes are virtual ones and take place in the mystery of human thought.
Key words: Culture intertext, Creation, Pattern language, Sublimation
O. Elkan
Symbolic fields of semiosphere of expressionism
The desire to conceptualize the phenomenon of twentieth century culture manifested in the early century. E. Cassirer saw in symbolic forms constructs of cultural world.
Ju. Lotman called the symbolic world of the semiotic space semiosphere, which includes everything that is created by culture.
Lotman himself explained the formation of the term as Vernadsky’s example: the biosphere, the noosphere…but “noosphere covered part of the planet and had the material and spatial existence; semiosphere space was abstract in nature”.
The main peculiarities of semiosphere as a symbolic core of the culture and as sense-generating factor in forming the figurative world of German culture of the 20-th century are analyzed in the thesis. The concepts, connected with the symbol problems, “symbolic forms”, semiosis and culture semiosphere, by E. Cassirer, V. Hoffmann, Yu. Lotman are considered.
It has been defined that the semiosphere singularity of the 20-th century art was largely formed under the influence of theoretical and artistic activity of V. Kandinsky.
The analysis of the theoretical concepts and arts of the expressionism representatives confirms the thesis: semiosphere as a symbolic core of the culture is the sense-generating factor and it defines the artistic originality of the art of the 20-th century German-speaking world.
Key words: semiozis, semiosphere, the symbol universum of the culture, expressionism.
A. Mikitinets
The role of youth in modern culture (culture and anthropology analysis)
The article is devoted to understanding of a role of youth in relevant sociocultural processes. The author, using researches of cultural anthropologists, suggests rethinking the attitude to youth, as to one of the most important factors of modern culture.
The characteristic feature of youth consists in its transitive status (any more «child», but also not «adult»). It`s allowing exercise transgression in any conceivable, and even the fictional measurement, entailing uncontrollable (from the point of view of a «traditional» society) displacement of valuable reference up to reactionary-radical and obviously antisocial. The youth frequently uses non-standard ways of development, it, actually, is the factor of frightening mature generation. This processes and connected with them are demanded the judgment and the subsequent development of research strategy. The simple ascertaining of complexity of the declared problem is simple substitution of the thesis where at least there is not only its constructive decision, but also a statement of a presumption of epistemological «deadlock».
The youth is more sociable, creative, variative, and largely thanks of this it has advantage in the decision of various complicated questions. There is the idea of «age» relativism, the person ascertaining time limitation and its impossibility of a full and exhaustive estimation of other generation in the article. It is supposed, that the role of youth is very significant, about what, in particular acceptance of «The Krakow Declaration» and «The European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Municipal and Regional Life».
Key words: young people, modern culture, cultural anthropology.
I. Plotskiy
Modern technologies of sociocultural activities in leisure organization
The article investigates the role and importance of modern technologies of : socio-cultural activities in leisure. This paper analyzes the main trends of the information society in the dynamics of the contemporary art-market. Outlines the main treatment to the understanding of: socio-cultural activities, the typology of its key technological components, – regulatory and institutional, – is given.
It is emphasized that the regulatory technologies are the historical norms and standards of behavior and activities of certain social groups (for example, the tradition: ethics, belief systems, folklore, game, crafts etc.). It is noted that institutional technology of socio-cultural activities are focused on achieving important goals for society – reproduction and re-transmission of values, ideas of social and community needs. It`s subjects are such spheres of social life, like art, science, education, sports, media and communication. The work includes such technologies of socio-cultural activity of modern entertainment industry, as animation, recreation, staging , imaging .
Special attention to the role of leisure in modern society is paid. The specificity and the features of the animation in recreation and tourism sector are investigates. A typology of animation activity is given, its special status in the entertainment industry is underlined. The paper describes the functions of animation activity in tourist and recreational area. In article the different types of animation: recreation, tourism and hotel are consistently highlighted and analyzed. The authors also pay attention to the peculiarities of the development of animation programs.
Key words: socio-cultural activities, leisure, animation, technology.
A. Normanska
Sociocultural suppositions of creative industries
The article deals with the socio-cultural sources of creative industries in the dynamics of post-industrial society. The author analyzes the integration and transformation processes in the culture of the end of the twentieth century - the first decade of the twenty-first century, which contributed to the emergence and active development in the information field of the phenomenon under study .
In the second half of the twentieth century in the post-industrial society economic issues are implemented in all spheres of human activity as a result of scientific and technological revolution and the intensive development of information technology. That is why the culture of this period, a new branch was forced to move to market relationship with the world. As the formation of post-industrial economy shaped by an understanding of the role and importance of creativity as economic resources and productive forces. Creative process ceases gradually be withdrawn, gaining economic characteristics ; artwork on the art market are product, commodity consumption. It was at this time in scientific thought becomes popular term " cultural production ", and along with it the concept of " creative industries ". Synonymous creative is creative and cultural industries . Creative industries have certain mechanisms of production ( creation, market promotion , sale of goods) : cultural product ( the product ) is created by the artist and is an element of heritage. With the help of modern information - display technologies and methods of transmission and reproduction, which are, for example , printing , audio , video , radio, television , multimedia , Internet , this product becomes a commodity in the art market.
The modern consumer society lives in a variety of not only goods and services but also the needs and forms of pleasure. According to M. Hokhaymera , Theodor Adorno , K. Razlohova , D. Bell, A. Touraine and others to the fore in the twentieth century came not productive economy , and the economy needs.
This article examines these socio-cultural background of cultural industries as:
- formation of the new course of cultural policies;
- impact of scientific and technological revolution, the emergence of creative industries;
- cultural globalization;
- development of post-industrial (information) society;
- formation of consumer society and the active development of mass culture.
Cultural industry today remains little known phenomenon both in culture and in the social and human science field in general.
This phenomenon contributes to the interest of consumer culture to the so-called normative consumption in a global space.
Key words: creative industries, post-industrial society , cultural globalization.
I. Vakhrushev
Memes in tourism
The article reviews the history of the study of elements of cultural information - memes. Especially their social integration, behavior, and the impact on consumers of tourism services. The story of self-replicating ideas in society is closely linked with the development of human civilization , culture , cultural exchange , and especially with the spread of technology and information transfer. Despite the fact that many of the cultural events in the history of falling under similar categories on self-copying ideas , attention was drawn only in the second half of the twentieth century. The main purpose is to find out the availability and viability of self-replicating ideas in modern tourism. Determine the degree of influence on the minds of consumers memes travel services and establish the existence of sustainable tourism memes. The paper used the method of retrospective analysis and literary technique. As a result of the performed work, conclusions were drawn on the classification of tourist memes. We have proposed to distinguish the following categories: "territorial travel memes" - a self-replicating ideas directly related to any country or territory acts as a catalyst to copy itself and influence the choice of the carrier; "social travel memes" - a self-copying ideas, myths and images associated with recreation and recreation in a society or the world at large that affect the decision about choosing a tourist destination and the nature of the media and the rest of his entourage, "travel memeplexes" - a set of mutually supporting each other memes, united by a common idea, and are in a symbiotic relationship. The scientific novelty of this paper is based on the fact that none of the researchers memes and self-replicating ideas do not analyze this phenomenon in tourism. First was foreseeing the tourist classification of memes, depending on their involvement in the public relations travel. The work is of high practical value because The first examines the important social phenomenon in the tourism context, and for the first time a classification of memes in tourism.
Key words: Meme, Memeplex, Tourism, Self-Concept, Consumers Of Tourism Services, Tourism Culture.
O. Kochnova
Phenomenon of mask in theatre culture
The purpose of the study: rationale for the study of cultural phenomenon of masks in the context theatrical culture; systematization of the main functions of masks in the modern theater; analysis of cultural and psychological aspects of creating an image of the mask in the works of foreign and domestic producers.
Research methodology: when writing the article used are research methods: analytical method, comparative studies, systematic approach, bibliographic method.
The analytical method has allowed to analyze the phenomenon related to mask works of various directors.
Comparative research method has allowed a cultural parallels perception masks in different periods of human culture.
Systematic approach provided an opportunity to identify the main functions of the mask.
Bibliographical method enables one to study the basic literature on this issue.
Results of the study: in the article the culturological analysis of the phenomenon of mask is conducted on the example of theatrical performances of the known stage-directors of ХХ of century.
Scientific novelty: Author of the study positions phenomenon masks as part of the collective unconscious, which can use the directors in their productions.
The practical significance: research results can be used as material for theoretical lectures on theater studies. Also, results of the study can be used in directing practice.
Key words: mask, ritual, game, dramatic art.
U. Fodorov
Modern theatre under phenomenon of degeneration. Problem field of drama
Since the second half of the XX century, conditions of human life on planet Earth have fundamentally changed. Technological advances have gained unprecedented momentum, modifying the first human world, then its biological nature, the ecology of the planet, etc.
By the beginning of XXI century, the human genome has ceased to withstand the fierce pressure of technological civilization. Mutations of man as a species, are already evident and irreversible. The built environment and the food is synthesized together with the global environmental crisis is fundamentally alters the genetic mechanisms for the protection of man. Today at an alarming rate, the deformation built, genetically inherited traits and characteristics that lead to natural culling (unborn children), and a huge number of children's congenital deformities and abnormalities. The growing process of the high mortality population of many countries has worsened since the beginning of the XXI century and modern medicine there is nothing to offer. In 2013 more than 40 % of the European population suffers from mental illness and has a psychosexual deviation. Europe is aging rapidly and dying. We still do not realize that we are in a global anthropological crisis, and the phenomenon of degeneration - one of the key aspects of it. The process of degeneration in Ukraine is already turning into a tragedy on a national scale .
In addition to the demographic manifestations of the phenomenon of degeneration (degeneration) has today pronounced axiomatic anthropological and cultural aspects. In the field of culture is manifested in the form of anti-artistic and psevdotvorcheskih acts, which are increasingly disguised as innovative forms, types and genres of art. Painful (pathological ) refractive index in the creative search of many modern artists experts still do not dare to label as bionegativnye and abnormal . Degenerative works of modern art manifest more openly and persistently. This should be a major concern not only physicians, but also philosophers, culture, art historians, experts in the field of television, theater studies, film, etc.
Sick society is inevitably reflected in the modern theater. And often the social and mental illness and the artistic talent of tragedy embodied in a healthy drama, and become the basis ostrosotsialnogo and psychologically authentic performance. Today more and more productions are included in the category of "psychopathology of the theater." The modern world is absurd, twisted logic and pseudo-values are increasingly finds its roots in an abnormal psycho-sexual nature writers working in the theater industry. Today, the psychology of creativity gives way to morbid psychopathology and outpourings of playwrights, directors, etc. Psevdotvorchestvo actively implemented and significantly affects the modern theatrical process. Degenerative component of the modern theater has positioned itself more persistentl, and its pervasive and destructive influence is noticeable. Analysis of this negative phenomenon and the subject of this article .
Key words: people, art, theater, drama, play, director, performance, degeneration, pathology, disease, psychosexual bias.
O. Minina
Folk dance as social communication
In this article, folk dance is seen from the perspective of the information process, which is an essential feature of social interaction, and performs with the function of social communication. The author's goal is to reveal the communicative nature of folk dance and show its importance for the reproduction of ethno-cultural communities. Disclosure of dance in the context of the message, where every dance move - a sign of the image, and the dance itself - not just a set of characters and story text in context, suggests his deep and symbolic content of the communication process .Conceptual study of the author of the notion "communication" in domestic and foreign scientific literature confirms the fact that the content of "communication" is not limited to one-way transmission of information. Communicative action provides the possibility of the formation of social ties, joint management of human activity and the regulation of its individual regions, the accumulation and translation of social experience. Dance is able to visualize a message, include it in the rhythmic structure and convey fundamentally verbalizing socio-cultural content that is beyond verbal expression. Folk dance performance an individual or group of people forms a unity of thought and action with the audience, creating a cultural and ethno-cultural community, collective identity. Proposed by the author concluded that the popularization of folk dances and ethnic-cultural collaborative activities can contribute to the reproduction of cultural identity, stresses the need to preserve and promote folk dance , which can be of great importance in the development of society and the preservation of ethnic identity in the modern world.
Key words: folk dance, culture, identity, social communication.
O. Skuridin
Burial constructions of antiquity period (VII–IV B.C.), as a symbol of supreme patriotism
Burial structures (communal graves, tombs, cenotaphs) generals and ordinary soldiers of antiquity: not survived to our time. From the works of ancient authors, that this type of monuments played a large role in the mindset of the antique man, one of the main roles of life which was the role of defender of his policy.
The purpose of this article is to study the development of monuments-burial structures in honor of those killed in the war, as a symbol of the highest manifestation of patriotism in late archaic and classical periods (VII – IV centuries В.С.). The results will help to assess the place occupied by this type of monuments in the history of ancient culture, as well as a deeper understanding of the essence of patriotism. The relevance of this study is to understand the important cultural issues: the formation of the modern European notions of burial structures as a symbol of patriotism.
Burial structures, in honor of the fallen on the field of battle as a symbol of patriotism for the Hellenic consciousness, have come a long way of development: from the appearance of the Hellenistic Polis and polis identity in the late archaic period (VII – V centuries В.С.), to the victories in the struggle for independence during the Persian invasions, wars for hegemony between the leading Greek city-States in the classics (V – IV centuries В.С.).
As a result of the examination of burial sites, monuments, in honor of those killed in war, as symbols of the Hellenic patriotism, produced the following results. Military burial structures, of course, were the best way to perpetuate the memory of the fallen heroes, which only knew the antiquity, because to die for your policy, and particularly in the Hellas, was considered the greatest honor in the eyes of his contemporaries and descendants. This shows that in the period of late Antiquity was dominated by the mass graves, because the role of Commander, deliberately underplayed in favor of polis. The classic symbol of patriotism have increasingly become the graves of great generals. But the special role played by freedom of Hellenistic tombs during the Persian invasion, these monuments have become the symbols of Hellenic unity and General Hellenic of patriotism.
Key words: development, monuments, grave buildings, communal graves, tombs, cenotaphs, the history of ancient culture, late archaic and classical periods, symbol, patriotism, ancient authors.